Monday, April 27, 2009
Craving something creamy and sweet but don't want to dive into a bucket of ice cream? Below is an awesome and easy recipe for creamy-fruity popsicles you can reach for when your next craving hits! You can decide how much of each ingredient to use based on how creamy you want them to be (and I guess-timate all my recipes, so sorry for the lack of measurements!)
Vegan Cream-sicles:
*Pomegranate juice
*Mango (or strawberries/raspberries)
*Soy Milk (or Vegan cream replacement if you want it to be even richer! Vegetarian: try Greek Yogurt.. mmmm!)
Put all ingredients into a blender. Once full integrated, pour mixture into an ice tray and place toothpicks into each ice-cube space (either put them in on an angle or wait for the creamsicles to solidify slightly and place in the center).
Sunday, April 26, 2009
So you started a new eating plan and you're eating healthier foods and less calories. Good news: you're on your way to your dream body! Bad news: you're STARVING!
HERE is an article with a bunch of healthy snacks (healthier-splurges is more accurate) to help satisfy your hunger between meals without blowing your accomplishments. Some suggestions from Li combined with the article:
*Apple with peanut butter (Almond butter is even better)
*Hummus with whole grain crackers (try Trader Joe's Multigrain Savory Thins... mmmmm)
*Orange slices and walnuts
*Lemon sorbet with raspberries
To go even healthier AND help the planet: reach for certified organic items and READ LABELS! High fructose corn syrup and partially-hydrogenated oils do nothing but work against your efforts.
In addition it can help ease stress and clear your mind during these difficult times. Hmm, so what else has been clinically shown to ease stress?? Pets! So it was only a matter of time before someone combined the two.
Welcome to Doga, the yoga you do with your dog! Watch the video report below to get the scoop on doga! Great for you and great for your pet :)
A few months back I ran out of dog food and found that the local retailer no longer carried my favorite natural brand. While I sat in the aisle reading through all of the ingredient labels, I realized that even in the natural brands there are still ingredient lists that are unnecessarily long!
That's when it dawned on me: what better way to know what your pet is really eating than to make their food at home?
After a ton of research and some grocery store shopping, I found a GREAT recipe for dog food that is easy and cheap! On top of the ease of making it and knowing that I'm helping to extend my doggy's life expectancy, Trev LOVES eating it! Since I've had such success, I decided to share the recipe with the SexyHealthyHappy family. WARNING: Check with your vet before trying any new diet for your pet! Also, the recipe has meat in it, so if you prefer a veg/vegan diet for your pets it's still best to buy from your local natural pet store.
Basic rules: Dogs need protein, fat and vitamins/minerals in order to have a complete and healthy diet. They don't need carbohydrates, but a small amount of grain in their diet helps to fill any nutrient-related holes in their diet. The best way to give them a well balanced diet is to feed them a combination of vegetables, meat, and healthy grains. If you do not puree the veggies, they WILL come out in their poop (think corn), so make sure to grind them well. If you add fat (like cooking oils), it can cause diarrhea since they cannot absorb the oils in their intestinal tract. It is best to feed your doggy raw meat, but due to the risk of e-coli and other bacterial contaminants, it is also acceptable to lightly cook the meat.
*In general, you want a ratio of meat to veggies of 2:1. If you add grains, the ratio of meat to veggies+grains should be 1:1.
*Also of note, your dog wont need as much food, so give them about 1/2 what you were feeding them previously. Their poops will also be smaller, so don't be alarmed!
Use the CHEAPEST ground beef (high fat percentage) because the fat content will help keep their coat healthy, plus it saves you money! Veggies you can use (and ROTATE for each batch in order to make sure their diet is balanced):
*Green Beans
NOTE: BUY THE VEGGIES FROZEN! This way you don't have to worry about what's in season or the produce going bad.
For the grains, stick with BARLEY and only use it in every-other batch.
2 lbs ground beef (cheapest available with high fat content)
1/2lb frozen carrots
1/2lb frozen peas
(Optional 1lb of barley, soaked and ready for use)
-Lightly cook the beef using a spray oil or VERY little olive oil
-Puree the vegetables (and grains, if added), then mix the meat and puree in a large bowl
-Scoop individual serving sizes into individual containers and store in the freezer
-When making a new batch, alternate grains every other batch and change the types of veggies every time. You can also alternate ground turkey or chicken into your batch rotations.
When it's feeding time, heat the individual serving size for about 30 seconds (till cool or slightly warm) and feed to fido! Watch him/her scarf it down gleefully!
The Sexy, Healthy, Happy Blog is now on FACEBOOK!
CLICK HERE to become a fan!
In the next month or two as the SexyHealthyHappy fan-base grows, we will be starting free organic giveaways to our facebook fans as well as the fans here on! We'll give a head's up to all of our fans once the giveaways start. In the meantime, check in daily for the latest in the world of natural health!
Here's to living Sexy, Healthy, and Happy!
Below are links to some awesome tools that help you to calculate everything from your BMI (body mass index, should be between 18-26 for females) to how many calories you burned doing various activities! I've used these several times, especially the one in which you give your height, DESIRED weight, and activity level, and it tells you how many calories you should be eating to maintain that weight. Links:
1) BMI Calculator
2) Ideal Weight Range Calculator
3) "Happy Weight" Calculator (your stress-free-but-still-healthy weight for your height and age)
4) Caloric Needs Calculator (MY FAVORITE! Great for providing direction if starting a new eating plan)
5) Calories Burned Calculator (Directions: Click on the link to the left, then look to the LEFT of the page and your will see the heading "Burn Calories" and a drop down menu beneath it that says "select an activity". Click on the drop down menu and select your activity. Follow instructions from there)
Seeing how many calories you burned doing housework, plus walking the dog for 10 minutes, plus gardening, plus doing pilates can belp motivate you to keep moving! Enjoy :)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
HERE is an article with a list of foods that help to speed up your metabolism. The list:
1) Whole grain cereal/Oats
2) Jalapenos, habaneros, and cayenne (and Paprika, if you don't want your mouth to catch fire)
3) Green tea/Coffee (and White tea!)
4) Lean beef, pork, chicken, turkey (but soy protein and tempeh/tofu/seitan are MUCH healthier forms of protein and they have the same effect)
5) Salmon, tuna, sardines (OR stop the over-fishing of our waters and save a life by eating FLAX instead! Same Omega 3's!)
So fill up on Omega 3's, fiber, whole grains, protein, and lots of organic and colorful veggies to drop that last dress size!
Mmm mmm! Try this recipe from natural health magazine for a pick-me-up. Great as a breakfast replacement:
2 cups orange juice
1½ cups apple juice
1 cup kale, roughly chopped
2 bananas
Crushed ice
Combine orange juice, apple juice, kale, bananas, and crushed ice in a blender and blend at the highest speed until kale is thoroughly integrated into juice. Allow ingredients to settle and foam to rise to the top before serving. Pour into glasses filled with crushed ice.
Nutrition Facts
Per serving: 160 calories, 1 g fat (0.13 g saturated), 39 g carbohydrates, 2 g protein, 2.2 g fiber, 12 mg sodium (0.5% Daily Value).
Feeling fatigued? Try adding these foods to your diet for a pick-me up!
Energy boosters are:
1) Broccoli
2) Brown rice
3) Eggs
4) Green Tea
5) Oats
6) Oranges
7) Nut butters
8) Salmon (OR Flax)
9) Sea Vegetables
10) Yogurt
link to the article above for some great "super snacks" as well!
Friday, April 24, 2009
HERE is an article with some tips for surviving your next attempt at a diet.
1) Eat protein and whole grains to avoid the tummy rumble you're destined to experience when you curb your intake
2) Drink lots of water to aid your body as it sheds excess water stores
3) Plan an ACTIVITY for the weekend (like a hike, bike ride, Wii fest, or LAZER TAG!) instead of planning a night to eat/drink out. You're less likely to engage in behavior that will blow your whole diet
4) Add strength training to keep weight loss up when you hit a plateau
5) Replace old habits (like snacking on chips while watching TV) with new healthy ones (hula-hooping in front of the TV!). Every-time you resist your old habits it gets easier to resist in the future!
6) Call your doc to get a cholesterol test. If you need motivation to keep losing, knowing you're getting healthier may be a good one
7) DON'T GET DISCOURAGED AROUND YOUR PERIOD! Your body naturally holds on to an extra few pounds of water weight. Don't sweat it or give up, it's temporary
8) As you drop the pounds, buy some new clothes or lingerie. Fitting into something that makes you feel sexy and beautiful can help encourage you to keep going
9) Seek out new coping strategies, like dancing or listening to music, so when you reach your goal you wont sabotage your hard work with a binge
10) Mix up your workouts, especially if you hit a plateau. Stimulating new muscle groups in different orders can help rev up your lagging metabolism!
11) Enjoy yourself but don't give up on yourself while you're on vacation! Don't deprive yourself but don't let loose either. For example, instead of choosing either the fetuccini alfredo or a salad without dressing, go for the pesto pasta. It still has the richness of the alfredo but without all the cream and calories!
12) When you reach your goal, reward yourself (NOT WITH FOOD). Take a vacation, get a massage, etc.
Best way to beat the dowsides of diets? Change your eating lifestyle entirely instead of focusing on short-term weight loss; you're more likely to avoid the yo-yo dieting that so many (myself included) have become familiar with.
HERE is an article about a recent study that showed once and for all that NOT all sugar is created equal!! In the study, participants stuck to strict guidelines and ingested a regulated amount of sweetened beverages every day, one group with glucose sweetened beverages and one with fructose sweetened beverages. The results?
Both groups gained weight (stick to unsweetened tea!), but the group that drank the FRUCTOSE sweetened beverages also saw increases in their fat deposits and alteration of their liver function! The fructose group also saw signs of the beginning stages of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. NOT GOOD.
This was regular old fructose, that natural sugar found in fruits. When combined with all of the ingredients of a whole piece of fruit (pulp, fiber, minerals, etc.), fructose does NOT have these effects. But when extracted and used alone it is harmful and leads to increased inflammation throughout the body (which can also lead to cancer).
Now think about HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP. Take the negative effects of fructose times 1,000! It has higher concentrations of fructose and therefore the negative effects are magnified; you might as well shove your face into a vat of table sugar... it'd be healthier!
Lesson learned: avoid anything sweetened with fructose if at all possible!
HERE is an article about 8 things you can do to help protect your health AND the planet! The 8 tips are:
1) Take shorter showers
2) Bypass the dry cleaners (also saves $$$!)
3) Go easy on beef
4) Ditch air fresheners
5) Buy organic coffee
6) Skip the liquid soap
7) Toss the flea collar
8) Nix the screen-saver
ALL good tips for saving energy and avoiding exposing yourself to toxic chemicals!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
HERE is an article on some additional tips for losing those last few pounds. I don't like the article's title, but the tips are legit. Summary:
1) Downsize dinner, then sip green tea (eat more calories earlier in the day)
2) Burn off your indulgences (if you DO slip and eat that cake, work it off in the gym)
3) Be a cereal swapper (go for oatmeal instead of cereal)
4) Do a whole body cleanse (like the one in my previous post!)
5) Cut liquid calories (drop the latte and go for black coffee or tea. And NO SODA!)
6) Pump the produce (EAT MORE VEGGIES! Especially ORGANIC veggies)
7) Keep a food diary (Helps you see how many calories you are REALLY eating)
8) Skip the condiments (No mayo or oil. Go for mustard or nothing at all)
9) Take a spa day (MENTAL cleanse!)
10) Take tips from the South Beach Diet (aka cut out refined sugars and overly starchy foods)
NEW research shows that walnuts may help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer!
Great ways to get walnuts into your diet include sprinkling them onto your salad, throwing a handful of ground walnuts into your risotto or brown rice, and adding a handful to some greek yogurt (or SOY YOGURT!).
On top of the cancer prevention, walnuts also have a TON of healthy fats that help to prevent hardening of the arteries and help to keep skin and hair glowing and healthy!
So snack away! Walnuts are yummy and their benefits are still being discovered!
*Lower risk of osteoporosis
*Lower risk of heart disease
*Weight loss (yep, it burns calories and decreased fat storage!)
*Lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer
And ALL of these benefits are increased the longer you breast feed! Turns out mother nature knew what she was doing when she blessed woman with their ta-tas!
Today, April 22nd, is Earth Day! Celebrate with some of the ideas provided HERE !!
So plant a tree, turn off your lights for an hour, GET OUTSIDE, or contribute to a worthy eco-friendly charity (like The Nature Conservancy, The World Wildlife Fund, Sierra Club, etc.).
Happy greening!
Monday, April 20, 2009
I have tried a TON of natural skincare products (and gone bankrupt in the process) and seen very few that actually work. So when I found a toner and moisturizer that ACTUALLY helped with my occasional pimples and reduced the prominence of my age spots (yep, already have some), I knew I had to share the news with anyone who would listen!
The brand Earth Science, you can check out their products HERE, is AMAZING!! Free of parabens, pthalates, and other harmful ingredients, these products cannot be beat! Not to mention my toner only costs $8.75!
I highly recommend the Clarifying Herbal Astringent (it's very gentle but effective), and the A/B Hydroxy Night Rejuvenator.
Oh, and if you have a moment, PLEASE CLICK ON OUR ADVERTISERS!! It helps to support the blog :)
I found THIS website with a list of vegetarian dog treat recipes!
A great way to please your puppy without spending a ton of cash. Not to mention you can make this a fun activity on a boring Monday evening. Invite friends who also have pets to come over and bring a few of the ingredients (and their pooch, of course!) and have a baking party.
Here is the recipe for the "Apple Cinnamon Pupcakes":
1 tbl. Baking powder
1/2 tsp. vanilla
4 tbl honey
4 cups flour
2 ¾ cups water
¼ c. unsweetened applesauce
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 c. dried or fresh apple
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix all wet ingredients thoroughly. Mix dry ingredients separately. Slowly add wet mixture to dry mixing as you go. Make sure dry ingredients are thoroughly incorporated into the wet.
Pour mixture into muffin tins. Bake for 1 ¼ hours or until toothpick comes out dry. Makes 12-14 pupcakes in regular pans or around 30 “mini” pupcakes.
DON'T HAVE A DOG? HERE is a website with some vegetarian KITTY treat recipes, too!
So I've been feeling a bit crappy this week, mostly due to major changes in my diet. I'm staying with my parents, which means food that isn't exactly so healthy and tends to be loaded with trans and saturated fat, dairy, and white sugar. I searched the internet for some detox plans that DON'T involve starvation and found THIS article.
In this economy, why spend a ton of money at a detox getaway spa or buying "detox" regimens from your local grocery store? Create your OWN detox plan for a lot less! Try it out for yourself! For a successful weekend detox, include the following:
1) Eat ONLY raw, organic foods, focusing on fresh organic fruits and veggies.
2) Drink caffeine-free herbal teas, like the Peach Detox Tea from Yogi Teas (look for Dandelion in the ingredient list), plus Ginger tea and Peppermint tea are great for easing and supporting digestion.
3) Take FIBER! Psyllium is a great option, but make sure to increase your overall water intake to almost 3 Liters per day (it helps move the psyllium through and prevents you from becoming dehydrated or forming a blockage). Try Trade Joe's: Trader Darwin's Secrets of the Psyllium. Benefiber is great, too, plus it's a little easier to swallow...
4) Take Milk Thistle. It helps support your liver as it removes toxins from the body. Recent research has also shown that it may help reduce overall cancer risk.
5) Drink lots of water! Best if the water has fresh organic cucumber or fresh organic lemon. Just fill a pitcher and throw in a ton of cucumber or lemon and let it sit over night.
6) MEDITATE each day for at least 30 minutes each day. Find a quite corner and grab a pillow for a stress and mind detox.
7) Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. If possible, pop in an at home yoga DVD to help support your detox.
I'll make sure to update the blog and let you know how my detox goes this weekend!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
A new report states that if we revert back to the lifestyle people used to live in the 1970's, we would be able to overcome climate change!!
So slip on some bell bottoms, turn up the Zeppelin, and check out THIS article!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
HERE is a quick article on what you probably aren't but SHOULD be doing if you really want that bikini body for swimsuit season.
Simple and to the point! Good article. Here is a summary:
1) Write down your goals (keeps you on track, keeps you motivated)
2) Fit in some fun (do cardio that you ENJOY! Try something new, like paddle-boarding)
3) Toss the magazine (cardio should be hard enough to actually burn calories and fat)
4) Think outside the crunch (there are several muscles in the abdomen, work them all!)
5) Break less (don't rest between exercises, connecting everything burns more calories)
6) Remember all your major muscles (WHOLE body workout!)
Here's to fitting into that teeny bikini (preferably one made of organic fabrics)!
1) Get your sleep!
2) Stay in shape (30-40 minutes of cardio/day)
3) Floss your teeth
4) Swear off sugar
5) Get a massage (I like this one!)
6) Meditate
7) Try acupuncture
9) Take echinacea
10) Eat crunchy veggies
11) Take probiotics
12) Take a mushroom extract (like AHCC)
13) Boost your vitamin D (15 minutes of noon-time sun or add a supplement)
14) Laugh more (increases activity of T-killer cells, a major part of your immune system)
15) Take elderberry extract
16) Recharge your thymus (by going to a chiropractor or taking a thymus support supplement)
17) Spend time with friends
18) Eat bright, eat right (add colorful veggies to your diet for zinc and selenium)
19) Go with garlic (2 cloves a day. Antiviral and antibiotic properties)
On top of increasing your overall health, some nice side effects of following this plan are decreased stress and decreased body fat!
Here are several tips on how to increase your resting metabolic rate and burn off those excess pounds, naturally! The tips:
1) Lift weights at least 2 days a week on non-consecutive days (allowing muscle to heal). Now don't be shy about using weights that are heavy! The more muscle you build, the more calories you burn just sitting at the computer reading this blog!
2) Add some spice to your life! Adding spices to your foods, including hot sauces, garlic, cinnamon, and others, have been shown to not only speed up your metabolism, but many of them decrease inflammation throughout the body (think Aleve without the side effects), therefore helping your body to effectively regulate your metabolism.
3) DRINK TEA! Green and white in particular. Have at least 3 cups a day to experience the effects of EGCG, an antioxidant shown to increase base metabolic rate.
4) Become a fidget-er. The more you move, the more calories you burn. Standing for a few extra hours each day burns an additional 100 calories! Unload the dishwasher one dish at a time, walking around the kitchen to put each item away. The calories add up fast and soon enough you'll be slimmer without feeling like you had to put in any work!
More tips to come, but for now, implement as many of these as you can. Every ounce of effort will make a difference in your goal for a sexy, slimmer you!
OK, this is crazy!
A study coming out of Turkey shows that women with excessive hair growth (facial, stomach, and/or chest) who drank two cups of Spearmint tea a day saw a noticeable decline in hair growth!
The cause? Spearmint blocks the effects of testosterone, which is often the culprit behind hirsutism (aka men's facial hair on a woman).
So throw away your hair bleaching agents and grab a couple of boxes of spearmint tea!
The article is available HERE
A study coming out of the Cochrane Collaboration shows that homeopathic herbs and treatments for side effects of cancer treatments like chemo do not interfere with the drugs, plus many of the remedies were proven to be effective!
Among the herbs they tested was Calendula creme, which was effective at treating skin irritation from bouts of chemo. Traummel S. for mouth sores was also included in the study
Soooo nice to finally see homeopathic health taken seriously! Normal pharmaceuticals often treat one symptom while creating another (like Ibuprofen helps with inflammation but can damage the liver). Naturopathic medicine is often effective, we just need more studies done to verify this to the scientific community so that MD's can offer these treatments to their patients in good conscience.
You can read the article HERE
Friday, April 17, 2009
*Weight loss/increased metabolism
*Immune system support
*Tooth decay prevention
*Cancer prevention (especially skin cancer)
etc., etc., etc.,
Green tea is awesome and it tastes great (try Goji Berry Green Tea from Yogi Teas, very yummy), but did you know that the lesser known White Tea possesses all of these qualities and more??
White tea is freaking amazing! Real white tea (Yin Zhen, or silver needle, READ LABELS! It may say white but it might not be the good stuff) is the least processed of all teas. Basically it is harvested and then dried in the sun... that's it. No chemicals, just antioxidant goodness!
Because of the limited processing and the nature of white tea (it is technically the tea buds before they sprout, therefore they have all of the antioxidants a full grown leaf needs but over a smaller surface area) it has more EGCG (yep, the antioxidant in green tea that boosts metabolism) and higher catechin levels (another antioxidant that helps prevent cancer) than any other tea.
White tea also has less caffeine than green tea, about 1/3 the amount in a cup of coffee. Too much caffeine can mess with your metabolism and lead to adrenal insufficiency, aka it can make it harder for you to lose weight in the long run, making white tea a great option for dieters.
I drink white tea like crazy for the health benefits and because it has such a mild and sweet flavor. Rishi Tea's silver needle is pretty good and you can add stevia to your cup to naturally sweeten it if you want more flavor.
The only downside to White Tea: the cost. It is only able to be harvested 2 days a year in a small province in China, hence making supplies limited. Trust me, the health benefits are worth every penny, but if you're tight on cash like I am in this current economy, you can also try cheaper versions (non-silver needle) that include tea leaves and white tea buds in combination. Similar health effects for a lot less moolah!
HERE's a great article on 20 "superfoods" that can aid you in your quest for a down-sized dress-size. You can read the whole article for details, but here is the list in its entirety:
1. Olive Oil
2. Avacado
3. Parmesan
4. Tarragon
5. Sardines
6. Quinoa
7. Yogurt (especially Greek Yogurt)
8. Chilies
9. Pomegranate
10. Almond Butter
11. Blueberries
12. Buckwheat Pasta
13. Apples
14. Wild Salmon
15. Goji Berries
16. Lentils
17. Oats
18. Kale
19. Eggs
20. Steak
Basically any food that is high in fiber, protein, healthy fats (unsaturated), vitamins, and/or minerals tends to help your body regulate its metabolism.
Fiber helps your body to remove cholesterol (fatty acids) from your blood stream and aids in digestion (the elimination of toxins), both of which are paticularly helpful in getting rid of belly fat. You'll also increase your bowel health and reduce you chances of getting diverticulosis and certain forms of cancer!
Protein helps to support lean muscle and metabolism, but note that all animal based protein (INCLUDING fish) contain saturated fats, which increase overall inflammation in the body. Limiting or eliminating saturated fats from your diet not only helps keep your cardiovascular system healthy, it will reduce your chances of getting cancer, too (even more reasons to go vegetarian or, better yet, vegan) . Hemp protein and soy protein are great vegetarian options.
Healthy fats, or unsaturated fats, like olive oil and canola oil help to reduce overall inflammation in the body, therefore supporting your metabolism and, again, reducing cancer risk. NEVER EVER eat trans fat (partially hydrogenated oils) since these increase LDL, or bad cholesterol and have been linked to obesity (READ YOUR INGREDIENT LABELS! 0 trans fat per serving does not mean NO trans fat!) Also avoid palm oil and animal based fats, like butter, since these tend to increase inflammation throughout the body and are more easily stored in fatty deposits on the body.
I could go on forever about nutrition, but I'll stop here. Happy eating!!
Parabens (methyl-, proply-, etc.) act as a weak estrogen in the human body and some studies suggest they may be linked to certain birth defects and cancers (breast in particular). Avoid parabens and increase the natural radiance of your skin by using a sugar scrub.
You can make one at home with a few drops of essential oil (or olive oil) and some Sugar in the Raw, or you can check out some of the natural and organic products mentioned HERE
By the way, Natural Health Magazine is my FAVORITE! If you want the latest and greatest information on natural health and beauty, you should seriously subscribe. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!
*For BLEMISHES/ACNE: Scrub face gently with coarse salt and a few drops of neem oil. Then apply a mask of plain yogurt for 15-30 minutes. The salt is an antiseptic and helps to exfoliate, the neem oil has antifungal properties, and the lactic acid in the yogurt further exfoliates.
*For UPSET STOMACH: Sip tea made with pomegranate skin or oak bark. If using pomegranate, use 1 tbsp dried pomegranate skin steeped in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. If using oak bark, boil 1 tbsp in water for 3 minutes, then let it steep for 30 minutes, strain and enjoy. Apparently the high level of tannins helps ease stomach discomfort.
*For HANGOVERS: Drink a glass of tomato juice with a splash of tabasco (or Frank's) sauce. The antioxidants in the tomato juice and the metabolic stimulation of the tabasco/frank's aid the body in eliminating toxins post alcohol binge. NOTE: don't expect a miracle. If you drink heavily, only time, rest, electrolytes, and water will do the trick. This remedy merely helps to ease symptoms and support your body while it takes care of the mess left over from the night before.
Read it HERE
Some of the Chili benefits:
*Help to keep you cool when temperatures outside are scorching
*Help alleviate arthritis and other types of pain
*Cause you body to release endorphins, giving you a natural high!
*Increase metabolism and help you burn off excess weight
*Provide a boost to your immune system
Add chilis to any dish to add a nice zing. My favorite is drizzling Frank's brand hot sauce on sweet potato fries from Trader Joes. Mmm mmm mmm!
Read the whole article HERE
(image from CNN )
Having worked in a hospital, I was not surprised by this finding. In a hospital, which is dirtier than most home environments (and many of the hospital bugs are antibiotic resistant!), so many unnecessary interventions are used that serve no purpose but to speed up the delivery. This is not in the interest of the mother or the baby's health, it's merely a way to get people in and out of the hospital faster, therefore saving the hospital and the insurance companies money.
Nursing midwives and home births are far more relaxed and far less toxic to all those involved. Hospitals are not all bad, however, since they are very good at taking over when a complication does arise. But even when issues arose, the study showed that home births with complications had equal outcomes with hospital births of a similar nature since people headed to the hospital from their homes to seek additional care when necessary.
So sit back, relax, and have your baby in your own living room! Just make sure you have a nursing midwife present to help out with the whole process.
NOTE: Discuss all birthing options with your midwife or doctor (or both!) to see if home birthing is a possibility for you!
The article is available HERE
(image from bbcnews )
So what do you take away from this?? Preventing pregnancy weight gain via exercise can also help your baby! So now there's no excuse to delay signing up for that pre-natal yoga class...
NOTE: Remember to check with you doctor before you start any exercise regimen.
The full article is available HERE
(image from bbcnews )
A study released today confirms what seemed blatantly obvious: very few people really know how many calories are in the alcohol they consume! With the obesity epidemic only getting worse, something I've seen first hand is that very few people realize what they are really putting into their bodies when they pull up to a McyD's or, apparently, start a tab at the local bar.
Having trouble losing weight? Just do the math:
5 beers + Nachos at the bar + Late-night fast food burger and fries = 2,650 calories!!!
So what is a party-person to do with this information? Either change your life-style and quit drinking (I find Perrier with a lime is a great substitute at bars), or pay closer attention to what you have and seek out lower calorie alternatives. 2 low calorie alternatives include:
1. Vodka and Diet Coke (55 calories, high alcohol content)
2. Miller Lite (94 calories, highest alcohol content of any light beer)
The article is available HERE