Friday, May 8, 2009


HERE is an article on habits that you may consider healthy but may be doing more harm than good!


1) I rarely miss a day at the gym
-Every body needs a break! Take at least a day a week to prevent overuse injuries and to let your muscles heal.

2) I don't eat sweets
-Eliminating candy is fine, but if you put ANY single food ingredient (in this case: all forms of sugar) completely off limits, you're likely to build a craving and ultimately binge. Moderation is key! And try to eat natural sugars like honey, agave nectar, maple syrup, or stevia.

3) I've gotten my body fat down to 18%
-Obsession and extreme thinking will only lead to increased anxiety and decreased happiness (18% is the lowest limit of what is healthy for an adult female). Not to mention your body needs fat to protect organs and keep normal body processes functioning properly! Instead of focusing on numbers, focus on how you feel, how your body fits into your clothes, and the bigger picture of your overall happiness. You are a human being! Not a number! Treat yourself like one :)

4) I've cut way back on carbs
-Carb restriction may lead to temporary weight loss, but it usually isn't sustained and it's unhealthy for you body. Just like fat and protein, YOUR BODY NEEDS CARBOHYDRATES! In fact the only form of fuel your brain can utilize is CARBS, so save yourself the frustration of memory difficulties and weight re-gain. The TYPE of carbs is more important than carbs themselves. Go for whole-grain and pass on refined.

5) I've stuck it out, regardless, in my relationship
-It is unhealthy to force yourself to continue involving yourself in something that makes you unhappy. The stress from the relationship can lead to health problems and can prevent you from having a positive self-image. Your NEEDS should always come first in life (not your wants) and happiness and quality of life should be first on that list! Don't ever sacrifice who you are for another person or an ideal.
NOTE: Compromise is part of being in a relationship, but when you stop being able to be yourself that's when it's time to go. Just make sure to CLEARLY make your needs known to the other person, giving them the chance to turn it around before you bolt.


HERE is an article about how to stop yourself from binging on the weekends. With more social activities and free-time on your hands, the weekend can lead to mindless munching and ultimately it can sabotage your weight-loss and healthy-living efforts.

NOTE: While I may post many weight-loss related articles on this website, it is important to realize that 1) the goal of weight-loss is overall health and wellness, 2) you should be able to love yourself, just the way you are, and eating well/exercising should only be the icing on the cake. If you do have problems with body image and obsessive eating habits, talk to somebody! Take care of yourself... body, mind, and soul :)


HERE is an article about the new "diet plate" that is on the market (pictured in this post). The author tried the plate in real life, but a study was also conducted showing that people who used the diet plate were more likely to lose weight than those who didn't.

Why does this plate work? Very simple: PORTION CONTROL! It helps you to see repetitively what a normal serving of certain foods is. For some people, this is quite the shocker since portion sizes at restaurants are enormously larger than what you should be eating. However, with repetition you'll start to recognize normal portion sizes even when not using the plate, helping you to set aside any excess calories at the restaurant for your doggie bag.

Poor but still want to try this out? Create your own plate! Go to a local pottery painting class or buy some paint and a plain plate yourself.

Also helpful:
*A serving of lean protein should be the size of a deck of cards or the palm of your hand
*A serving of starch/grains should be the size of your balled fist (when looking at your fingers... if you include the entirety of your hand that is 2 servings, or 160 calories)
*A serving of vegetables is two balled fists
*A serving of fat is HALF of a butter pad you find at local restaurants (2 servings in a whole pad, or 100 calories)