Wednesday, April 22, 2009


HERE is an article on some additional tips for losing those last few pounds. I don't like the article's title, but the tips are legit. Summary:

1) Downsize dinner, then sip green tea (eat more calories earlier in the day)
2) Burn off your indulgences (if you DO slip and eat that cake, work it off in the gym)
3) Be a cereal swapper (go for oatmeal instead of cereal)
4) Do a whole body cleanse (like the one in my previous post!)
5) Cut liquid calories (drop the latte and go for black coffee or tea. And NO SODA!)
6) Pump the produce (EAT MORE VEGGIES! Especially ORGANIC veggies)
7) Keep a food diary (Helps you see how many calories you are REALLY eating)
8) Skip the condiments (No mayo or oil. Go for mustard or nothing at all)
9) Take a spa day (MENTAL cleanse!)
10) Take tips from the South Beach Diet (aka cut out refined sugars and overly starchy foods)

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