Sunday, April 26, 2009


So you started a new eating plan and you're eating healthier foods and less calories. Good news: you're on your way to your dream body! Bad news: you're STARVING!

HERE is an article with a bunch of healthy snacks (healthier-splurges is more accurate) to help satisfy your hunger between meals without blowing your accomplishments. Some suggestions from Li combined with the article:

*Apple with peanut butter (Almond butter is even better)
*Hummus with whole grain crackers (try Trader Joe's Multigrain Savory Thins... mmmmm)
*Orange slices and walnuts
*Lemon sorbet with raspberries

To go even healthier AND help the planet: reach for certified organic items and READ LABELS! High fructose corn syrup and partially-hydrogenated oils do nothing but work against your efforts.

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