Saturday, April 25, 2009


HERE is an article with a list of foods that help to speed up your metabolism. The list:

1) Whole grain cereal/Oats
2) Jalapenos, habaneros, and cayenne (and Paprika, if you don't want your mouth to catch fire)
3) Green tea/Coffee (and White tea!)
4) Lean beef, pork, chicken, turkey (but soy protein and tempeh/tofu/seitan are MUCH healthier forms of protein and they have the same effect)
5) Salmon, tuna, sardines (OR stop the over-fishing of our waters and save a life by eating FLAX instead! Same Omega 3's!)

So fill up on Omega 3's, fiber, whole grains, protein, and lots of organic and colorful veggies to drop that last dress size!

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