Friday, April 17, 2009


A new study out of the UK show that overall outcomes in home births vs. hospital births are EXACTLY THE SAME! That's right: home births are SAFE!

Having worked in a hospital, I was not surprised by this finding. In a hospital, which is dirtier than most home environments (and many of the hospital bugs are antibiotic resistant!), so many unnecessary interventions are used that serve no purpose but to speed up the delivery. This is not in the interest of the mother or the baby's health, it's merely a way to get people in and out of the hospital faster, therefore saving the hospital and the insurance companies money.

Nursing midwives and home births are far more relaxed and far less toxic to all those involved. Hospitals are not all bad, however, since they are very good at taking over when a complication does arise. But even when issues arose, the study showed that home births with complications had equal outcomes with hospital births of a similar nature since people headed to the hospital from their homes to seek additional care when necessary.

So sit back, relax, and have your baby in your own living room! Just make sure you have a nursing midwife present to help out with the whole process.

NOTE: Discuss all birthing options with your midwife or doctor (or both!) to see if home birthing is a possibility for you!

The article is available HERE

Newborn baby

(image from bbcnews )

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