Friday, April 17, 2009


If you dream of having glowing skin and want to reduce the look of cellulite, nothing works better than a basic sugar scrub. The problem with most body scrubs found in your local supermarket is that they either use exfoliating beads made from plastics (NOT biodegradable) and/or they are chock full of chemicals and parabens.

Parabens (methyl-, proply-, etc.) act as a weak estrogen in the human body and some studies suggest they may be linked to certain birth defects and cancers (breast in particular). Avoid parabens and increase the natural radiance of your skin by using a sugar scrub.

You can make one at home with a few drops of essential oil (or olive oil) and some Sugar in the Raw, or you can check out some of the natural and organic products mentioned HERE

By the way, Natural Health Magazine is my FAVORITE! If you want the latest and greatest information on natural health and beauty, you should seriously subscribe. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!

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