Saturday, April 18, 2009


HERE is an article with a guide to living with "your best health", naturally. All of these techniques are also geared towards increasing the effectiveness of your immune system, helping to stave off disease. A summary of the tips:

1) Get your sleep!
2) Stay in shape (30-40 minutes of cardio/day)
3) Floss your teeth
4) Swear off sugar
5) Get a massage (I like this one!)
6) Meditate
7) Try acupuncture
9) Take echinacea
10) Eat crunchy veggies
11) Take probiotics
12) Take a mushroom extract (like AHCC)
13) Boost your vitamin D (15 minutes of noon-time sun or add a supplement)
14) Laugh more (increases activity of T-killer cells, a major part of your immune system)
15) Take elderberry extract
16) Recharge your thymus (by going to a chiropractor or taking a thymus support supplement)
17) Spend time with friends
18) Eat bright, eat right (add colorful veggies to your diet for zinc and selenium)
19) Go with garlic (2 cloves a day. Antiviral and antibiotic properties)

On top of increasing your overall health, some nice side effects of following this plan are decreased stress and decreased body fat!

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