Monday, April 20, 2009


I have tried a TON of natural skincare products (and gone bankrupt in the process) and seen very few that actually work. So when I found a toner and moisturizer that ACTUALLY helped with my occasional pimples and reduced the prominence of my age spots (yep, already have some), I knew I had to share the news with anyone who would listen!

The brand Earth Science, you can check out their products HERE, is AMAZING!! Free of parabens, pthalates, and other harmful ingredients, these products cannot be beat! Not to mention my toner only costs $8.75!

I highly recommend the Clarifying Herbal Astringent (it's very gentle but effective), and the A/B Hydroxy Night Rejuvenator.

Oh, and if you have a moment, PLEASE CLICK ON OUR ADVERTISERS!! It helps to support the blog :)

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