Wednesday, December 9, 2009


One of my favorite treats in the whole wide world are coconut macaroons. They're creamy, coconutty, and deliciously moist! I have, however, had trouble finding a healthy version of these tropical morsels; especially one that is vegan.

After some experimenting, I have finally created a decent recipe! Not only is it tasty, it's low-fat, low-calorie, vegan, and super easy to make, AND you can also eat it as a RAW dessert! Just skip the baking step :)

So, without further adieu, here it is:


2 cups shredded UNSWEETENED coconut
1 medium sized banana
1/4 cup agave nectar (you can add more or skip this all together based on desired sweetness)
1/4 cup diced almonds or almond flour (optional)
1 tsp vanilla extract

*water, unsweetened applesauce, or additional banana can be added to reach desired consistency. I like mine thick and chewy, so I chose to add banana as needed.

1) If cooking, preheat oven to 350
2) Mash banana, either by hand or in a blender
3) In a large bowl, combine all ingredients, including banana, until well mixed
4) Place 1 tbsp dollops of mixture onto spray-oiled cookie sheet
5) Bake at 350 for 10 minutes, or until tops are lightly browned

Voila!! Simple, healthy, and delicious!