Thursday, July 9, 2009


THIS ARTICLE talks about a new study just released that studied the effects of a calorically restrictive diet in monkeys. The results: it increased overall life expectancy and decreased the rates of disease!! CRAZY!

Calorically restrictive = 30% less calories than their average body requirement.

This is only one of many studies confirming the positive effects of a moderately calorically restrictive, but STILL NUTRITIONALLY COMPLETE, diet. If you think about it, this makes a lot of sense. If you eat foods that are not calorically dense, like fruits and vegetables, you can eat a whole bunch of food with a lot of vitamins and minerals without consuming a lot of calories. It takes a whole lot of pounds of vegetables to eat 2,000 calories in one day!

Moral of the study: if you can make the commitment, eating 30% fewer calories may have some long-term anti-aging benefits if you make sure you have a nutritionally complete and varied diet. Being a vegetarian or vegan can make this jump a lot easier, since the bulk of fresh fruits and veggies can keep you fuller longer.

NOTE: Do NOT start a new eating plan without consulting your MD. And be careful! Excessive calorie restriction can cause a ton of health problems (loosing your teeth, osteoporosis, CARDIAC ARREST!) and the last thing you want is an eating disorder (highest rate of death for ALL mental disorders, not to mention the misery of obsessing over nothing but food 24/7), so BE CAREFUL if you are looking to reduce your calories.

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