Thursday, July 9, 2009


HERE is a place to read more about PURPLE sweet potatoes!! Not only are they beautiful and unique, they also pack a huge antioxidant punch (think the antioxidant that makes blueberries blue) and are LOW on the glycemic index scale, so they are less likely to pack on the pounds and they wont spike insulin levels in the blood!

This is GREAT news for anyone who loves sweet potato fries! Now you can make up a batch at home for your next get-together and have all the flavor and more healthy properties! Not to mention the fact that their color is a great conversation starter. The link I have above has several recipes for you to try :)

Like plain old french fries better but avoid them due to carbs? Try purple peruvian potatoes from your local supermarket. They aren't sweet potatoes... they're regular old fashioned potatoes but with the same antioxidants and decreased gylcemic impact of the purple sweet potatoes. Buy a batch and cut them up, sprinkle with olive oil & salt & rosemary, bake at 350 for 20 minutes and VOILA! A lovely, TASTY, nutritional snack!

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