Tuesday, June 23, 2009


With the temperatures warm and the sun ever-present, summer is the perfect time to get outside and be active. One catch: you lose more electrolytes through sweating than you do in cooler temperatures, making it harder to exercise for long periods and at high intensities.

So if you want to pick up your workout and speed your recovery, what is a a fitness buff to do? Most sports drinks have outrageous amounts of calories and use artificial sweeteners that can do way more harm than good, so what's the point in drinking something that works against your efforts?

Well, mother nature has the answer and it's DELICIOUS! Coconut water (NOT milk) is the fluid from the inside of an unripe coconut. It tastes great, is low in calories, and has a TON of electrolytes... including more potassium than in an entire banana!

Drink one 8oz 60 calorie Zico coconut water BEFORE working out to increase you duration and overall calorie burn. Drink one after to replenish what you've lost through sweating. Limited calories, no added sugar, and everything your body needs to keep it in tip top shape. Also great for a day at the beach!

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