Sunday, June 21, 2009


So I recently found out that you, my wonderful blog readers and devotees, have been enthusiastic in response to my requests that you support my advertisers... so much so that my account was disabled due to "fradulent" ad clicking activity!!

I'm not such much frustrated with the google people as I am flattered by the kindness of you guys, the readers!

After a hiatus, I have decided that the blog will continue! I think the information on this blog is useful and is something that I, myself, would want to have at my reading disposal. Information on how to better you life naturally and to live sexy, healthy, and happy is information that deserves to be accessible to EVERYONE! And so the blog continues! Please don't hesitate to e-mail you questions and comments to you can also e-mail topics you wish would be covered because, after all, this blog is for YOU!

Here's to living sexy, healthy, and happy!


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