Monday, May 4, 2009


I just discovered this great WORKOUT FINDER! Click on the link at left to find workouts by body-region, keyword, or readers' favorites!

New healthy lifestyle changes can be difficult to maintain once you get to the point of boredom and forced repetition, so try incorporating one of the many different workouts from the link above or click below for direct links to the reader favorite workouts:

* Cellulite Solution Workout
* Super Sculpt Your Body
* Drop 10lbs This Month
* Hollywood's Sexy-Body Secret
* Score Sexy Arms in 4 Weeks

Mix up your workouts to maximize your results! And add a workout buddy to the mix to help keep each other motivated. On top of a sexy new body you'll increase your overall health and reduce your risk of developing cancer and other diseases!

And in case you missed my previous post CLICK HERE for fun calculators that can give you your BMI, Caloric Needs, Ideal Weight, Happy Weight, and more!

NOTE: Check with your MD before starting a new exercise regimen

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