Sunday, April 26, 2009


Below are links to some awesome tools that help you to calculate everything from your BMI (body mass index, should be between 18-26 for females) to how many calories you burned doing various activities! I've used these several times, especially the one in which you give your height, DESIRED weight, and activity level, and it tells you how many calories you should be eating to maintain that weight. Links:

1) BMI Calculator
2) Ideal Weight Range Calculator
3) "Happy Weight" Calculator (your stress-free-but-still-healthy weight for your height and age)
4) Caloric Needs Calculator (MY FAVORITE! Great for providing direction if starting a new eating plan)
5) Calories Burned Calculator (Directions: Click on the link to the left, then look to the LEFT of the page and your will see the heading "Burn Calories" and a drop down menu beneath it that says "select an activity". Click on the drop down menu and select your activity. Follow instructions from there)

Seeing how many calories you burned doing housework, plus walking the dog for 10 minutes, plus gardening, plus doing pilates can belp motivate you to keep moving! Enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. I did the "Happy Weight Calculator" and it actually had my current weight! What a nice change of pace! Thanks for providing these calculators - great reference.

    Thanks for all the great info, Li. Really enjoy the articles on healthy snacks and recipes!

