Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Here's an article about recent studies showing that ginger has pain reducing properties.
In the study, participants were given exercises to purposely injure their elbows. They were then given either a placebo, raw ginger soup, or cooked ginger soup for their pain. The participants that ate the raw ginger soup had 25% less pain than the placebo group, the cooked ginger soup group had 23% less pain. Yet another amazing property of ginger!!
In case you forgot, ginger root can also:
*Aid digestion (by speeding motility and reducing inflammation)
*Prevent ulcers
*Treat heartburn
*Possibly reduce cholesterol levels (so far in rats, waiting on human trials)
*Help prevent certain cancers (like ovarian and colon)
*Speed cold and flu recovery
*Provide relief from menstrual cramps
*Reduce systemic inflammation
*Aid systemic circulation
*Increase metabolism and aid in weight loss
and much much more!!!
So go ahead and grate some ginger into your salad dressing or steep some chopped up ginger in you tea. The benefits of ginger, not to mention the flavor, are just too good to pass up!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
HERE is an EXCELLENT article that finally tells the truth about dairy and provides 6 reasons why you should "avoid it at all costs".
SPOILER: milk is not good for you!
Research has shown that dairy not only DOESN'T help to build strong bones, it can actually cause bone LOSS (it has to do with dairy's acidity and the protein in milk). Read the full article, or just the bullet points, to get a better idea regarding the reality of dairy (like how the USDA's food pyramid and recommended servings were created by agricultural industry, meaning the people who stand to profit from you consuming their products are the ones telling you to EAT their products, with the clout of the government behind them).
Additional research not mentioned in this article has also linked dairy to cancer. The precise numbers: 90% of cancers are PREVENTABLE, only 10% are caused by genetics. Of the 90% of cases that are preventable, the number one factor found to have increased overall cancer risk? Increased casein intake, the PRIMARY PROTEIN IN ALL DAIRY.
Dairy production also:
*Pollutes drinking water due to run off from farms
*Contributes to the VEAL INDUSTRY (momma cow has the get pregnant to make milk->if she has a boy he is no use to the dairy industry->baby-boy is sold to be confined, killed, and sold as veal meat)
*Contributes to starvation around the globe (since the resources required to produce dairy and meat are far more than those required to produce veggies and grains, therefore leading to less overall food production)
As a former cheese addict, I will admit that my recent venture into dairy-free living was rocky. At first I felt such a strong urge to snack on some cheese that it felt like torture to go without! Lasagna, pizza, pasta, Mexican foods!!! After learning more about the effects protein in milk have on the brain, I now understand that I was LITERALLY addicted to cheese. That's right: dairy has similar effects to opioids (ie: HEROINE!) on the brain, and boy did I go through withdrawal!
But now that it's become habit and I've been without cheese for an extended time, I don't crave dairy like I used to and to be completely honest, I don't miss it at all. No more cravings and I'm fully satisfied by the food that I eat.
Check out the video below for more info on the realities of dairy:
SPOILER: milk is not good for you!
Research has shown that dairy not only DOESN'T help to build strong bones, it can actually cause bone LOSS (it has to do with dairy's acidity and the protein in milk). Read the full article, or just the bullet points, to get a better idea regarding the reality of dairy (like how the USDA's food pyramid and recommended servings were created by agricultural industry, meaning the people who stand to profit from you consuming their products are the ones telling you to EAT their products, with the clout of the government behind them).
Additional research not mentioned in this article has also linked dairy to cancer. The precise numbers: 90% of cancers are PREVENTABLE, only 10% are caused by genetics. Of the 90% of cases that are preventable, the number one factor found to have increased overall cancer risk? Increased casein intake, the PRIMARY PROTEIN IN ALL DAIRY.
Dairy production also:
*Pollutes drinking water due to run off from farms
*Contributes to the VEAL INDUSTRY (momma cow has the get pregnant to make milk->if she has a boy he is no use to the dairy industry->baby-boy is sold to be confined, killed, and sold as veal meat)
*Contributes to starvation around the globe (since the resources required to produce dairy and meat are far more than those required to produce veggies and grains, therefore leading to less overall food production)
As a former cheese addict, I will admit that my recent venture into dairy-free living was rocky. At first I felt such a strong urge to snack on some cheese that it felt like torture to go without! Lasagna, pizza, pasta, Mexican foods!!! After learning more about the effects protein in milk have on the brain, I now understand that I was LITERALLY addicted to cheese. That's right: dairy has similar effects to opioids (ie: HEROINE!) on the brain, and boy did I go through withdrawal!
But now that it's become habit and I've been without cheese for an extended time, I don't crave dairy like I used to and to be completely honest, I don't miss it at all. No more cravings and I'm fully satisfied by the food that I eat.
Check out the video below for more info on the realities of dairy:
Eco Friendly Living,
Natural Health
Thursday, April 29, 2010
HERE is an article reiterating what I already knew after working as a psychiatric nurse: Antidepressants are NOT effective in treating depression.
Antidepressants have been shown in several studies to have equal efficacy to a placebo, meaning that it is more the idea of the antidepressant helping people rather than the pill itself. Perhaps short-term, in a crisis, adding an antidepressant to an overall treatment plan may yield some benefits, but for long-term treatment, I have seen antidepressants cause more harm than good. ECT (electro-convulsive therapy) is still by far a better treatment than medication.
The main flaw in antidepressants is the pill itself: it isn't really effective. Why, you may be asking? Because no matter how much you alter brain chemistry, if you do not alter the way you react to negative emotions and life events you will never free yourself from the grips of depression. Not to mention the side effects many antidepressants have on your sex life...
It is the way we interpret our world that has the biggest effect on mood and as far as altering your responses, therapy with someone OTHER THAN a psychiatrist (ie: a psychologist, a social worker, an MFT, etc.) is the most effective since psychiatrists tend to push medication rather than treating the underlying issues. DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) are some of the treatment approaches that I have seen work best, and neither one comes in a pill.
And that is where the second half of the problem arises: we as consumers crave a quick fix. We want to just take a pill and be better. The prospect of instant gratification is intoxicating! Unfortunately, battling depression takes hard work and time, just like effective treatment of high blood pressure takes a commitment to long-term behavioral changes. We are only lying to ourselves and setting ourselves up for more disappointment (and deeper depression) when we pin our hopes on a pill.
The upside of pills as treatment in the field of psychiatry? It's a quick way to treat a patient and get them out the door while covering your ass legally. You have concrete proof that you did something to treat the person without wasting the time treating them (doctors are pressured to see as many patients as possible, since reimbursement to the hospital and payment to the doctor increase with each additional patient cared for). Psychiatrists and NP's are the only mental health professionals who are licensed to prescribe medication, making those who are trained instead solely in actual therapy/psychology much better long-term therapists.
It takes hard work, but if you (sometimes with the aid of a friend or family member) can just drag yourself to see a therapist consistently, there is still hope in the treatment of depression. :)
Mental Wellness,
Natural Health,
Self Love
Friday, April 23, 2010
HERE is an article about the reality of purportedly healthy sweetener, Agave.
Basically, agave syrup/nectar is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) with an extremely effective marketing campaign. Much like HFCS, it comes from a natural source (the agave plant, as HFCS originates from corn), but like HFCS, it is processed into a syrup, where the fructose concentration reaches super unhealthy levels. Even the "raw" agave is awful for you! Don't buy the hype!
As an Agave convert who was using it for all my sweetening needs, I was reluctant to believe that this delicious sugar substitute was not only unhealthy, but horrendously bad for me. "It's low on the glycemic index", I told myself, "and it's from a natural source, so how can it be bad for me?" Well, I finally sat down and did some research and, after learning how fructose is broken down in the body, it became very clear that agave syrup should be avoided at all costs.
As piece of mind for all of you out there trying to make sense of the conflicting Agave messages, here is the basic science behind WHY agave is awful for you:
1) Fructose, a monosaccharide (aka simple sugar, mono meaning "one"), is the most unhealthy sugar you can eat UNLESS it is bound to fiber and nutrients, like in fruit, or bonded with glucose (another simple sugar) in which case the bonded glucose and fructose make sucrose, a disaccharide (aka a more complex sugar, di meaning "two"). You can read more about studies that have shown a correlation between increased fructose in diets and inflammation throughout the body here . (So remember: fructose + glucose = sucrose)
-Table sugar is 50%/50% fructose/glucose, and because of the equal proportions, many of the sugars are bound together, creating sucrose (the disaccharide mentioned above).
-HFCS is 55%/45% fructose/glucose. Not a huge difference in proportion, but the slight increase in fructose destroys the balance of fructose to glucose, so almost NONE of the resulting HFCS has bonded sucrose, therefore your body receives a HUGE surge of fructose all at once, rather than having to take the time to digest and break apart the sucrose into glucose and fructose.
-Agave Syrup is 70-90%/30-10% fructose/glucose!!!! With just a 5% difference, there are HUGE negative effects on the body, so just IMAGINE how awful it is for your body to process almost PURE fructose! Due to the proportions, NONE of the sugar in agave is bonded to create sucrose, so your body doesn't slow down the processing by breaking down sugars, it instead has to process a massive load of sugar all at once.
3) While the breakdown of glucose relies on insulin and can take part in almost every cell in the body, Fructose can ONLY be broken down in the liver. Since fructose isn't primarily broken down by insulin, it does not cause an insulin spike, therefore explaining why it is low on the glycemic index. This may make you think, "oh good! no insulin spike, no fat storage", but this is WRONG! Fat metabolism is reliant upon the LIVER, so overburdening the liver with the processing of fructose impairs fat metabolism, making it more likely that calories from fructose will be stored on the body as fat.
4) The liver has difficulty breaking down fructose. When fructose is digested with fibers/nurtrients in fruit, digestion is slowed, preventing the liver from having to process too much fructose at once, therefore preventing the liver from being overwhelmed so it can continue with all of the other processes it is taking care of simultaneously (like fat metabolism and toxin removal). When the liver is given a surge of fructose to process all at once, like with Agave and HFCS, it stops everything it is doing to focus solely on processing the fructose (think of people rowing a boat when suddenly that boat is flooded with water. The rowers stop rowing so they can bail water from the boat in order to keep it afloat. When they are out from underwater, they start rowing again). This leads to impaired liver functioning, toxin build up, and poor fat metabolism. It also causes damage to the liver (in some cases of people frequently eating HFCS/Agave: early signs of cirrosis)
5) When fructose is broken down, the following nasty byproducts are created:
-Triglycerides (which damage the cardiovascular system and increase risk of heart attack and stroke). The triglycerides and stress on the liver also lead to FATTY LIVER, which can lead to liver failure and death.
-Excess uric acid, which is the cause of gout
Not all sugars are created equal, and free fructose (unbound) is the absolute worst for you. Agave is up to 90% free fructose! Despite the low glycemic index, Agave is still absolutely AWFUL for you! Don't buy the hype, listen to the science.
*****Want more proof of the negative effects of fructose? Watch SUPERSIZE ME (if you've already seen it, go back and watch it again). All of the doctors predicted that the high fat content of his McDonald's-tastic diet would impact his cholesterol levels and harm his cardiovascular system. What they DIDN'T predict was the effect on his LIVER, that (when you look into the science behind the breakdown of fructose and compare it to the fructose content of McDonald's foods) was primarily caused by his intake of HFCS. Look at the increase in his triglyceride levels, URIC ACID levels, Amylase and Lipase levels (liver enzymes). All of these are increased when free fructose, like in agave, intake is increased
Want an Agave substitute? Maple syrup is the best and recent research has shown that it may even have anti-cancer properties! So ditch the cactus and sweeten with trees!
Here's to healthy eating :)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Check out the video below! Gwyneth Paltrow posted it on her site, and it's a fun and effective arm routine designed for her by Tracy Anderson. Less flab and more fun!! That's my kind of routine :)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Easy and super delicious!!! Great on some raw nachos with guacamole, salsa, and nut meat.
You can watch the video HERE.
Coconut is great not only for your waistline, but for your skin and hair as well. This is a great way to replace something harmful (sour cream, which induces inflammation in the body) with something healthful! Enjoy :)
You can watch the video HERE.
Coconut is great not only for your waistline, but for your skin and hair as well. This is a great way to replace something harmful (sour cream, which induces inflammation in the body) with something healthful! Enjoy :)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
If you or anyone you know are drinking artificial sweeteners in an attempt to lose weight, you MUST READ THIS ARTICLE!
Lifelong studies in animals have confirmed what a myriad of previous studies concluded: that intake of aspartame has carcinogenic effects. In other words, all of those sugar free sodas you have been downing in order to be "healthier" appear to be doing you more harm than good.
Several cancers, including brain cancer, saw statistically significant increases in animals fed aspartame over their lifetime versus a control group, and the test mice were given significantly LESS aspartame than the current recommended daily allowance for humans! Original toxicology tests from the 1960's also showed liver, thyroid, and brain damage in addition to the increased risk of cancer. In other words: aspartame should NOT be consumed by humans.
Studies dating back to 1975 have confirmed the harmful effects of aspartame, but the FDA has yet to ban it from our foods. Why? Because companies that profit from the use of aspartame, from Equal to Crystal Light, will likely lose millions of dollars if it is eliminated.
The government is supposed to be the buffer between upstanding citizens and the ills of society, but in many fields, particularly when it comes to food and toxin regulation in America, our government falls short.
The best way to protect yourself and your family? Don't eat food created in a lab (aspartame, sucralose, etc.), always read labels, and STAY INFORMED! Always ask questions, and as far as food is concerned: the less processed, the better. If you need a low glycemic sweetener, use agave nectar. If you want calorie free, try stevia (but note: stevia has yet to be fully tested, so your best bet is still agave nectar).
Healthy Pregnancy,
Natural Health
Monday, January 4, 2010
Here's a quick yoga routine from Tara Stiles, aimed at helping you burn those holiday calories and tone your hips, buns, and abs. Can be done almost anywhere and is easy to follow!
Here's a video from a segment on The Today Show. It has some great recommendations for healthier swaps and calorie conservation while eating out. I will definitely be implementing the burrito suggestion into my taco takeout!
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... or with any exercise!
THIS STUDY from Germany was just released showing the anti-aging benefits of life-long exercise.
The study looked at athletes over their lifetimes, examining their cellular function on a genetic level. Ultimately, the DNA in cells of people who exercised regularly during their lifetime functioned as if they were younger, helping to negate normal DNA degradation caused by age.
Exercise: great for your waist, mood, brain, skin, and EVERYTHING ELSE!
Yet another reason to lace up those running shoes or roll out those yoga mats in 2010!
Natural Beauty,
Natural Health,
Your inspiration for the first week of 2010:
There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth... not going all the way and not starting. -Buddha
Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. -Oscar Wilde
Live out of your imagination, not your history. -Stephen Covey
Every moment is an experience. -Jake Roberts
If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, educate people. -Chinese Proverb
As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives. -Henry David Thoreau
It takes more courage to reveal insecurities than to hide them, more strength to relate to people than to dominate them, more "manhood" to abide by thought-out principles rather than blind reflex. Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles and an immature mind. -Alex Karras
Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. -Oscar Wilde
Live out of your imagination, not your history. -Stephen Covey
Every moment is an experience. -Jake Roberts
If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, educate people. -Chinese Proverb
As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives. -Henry David Thoreau
It takes more courage to reveal insecurities than to hide them, more strength to relate to people than to dominate them, more "manhood" to abide by thought-out principles rather than blind reflex. Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles and an immature mind. -Alex Karras
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