Tuesday, August 25, 2009


HERE is an article with a list of 30 foods that help your body shed excess fat. The list:

1) Cottage Cheese (look for non-fat)

2) Egg Whites

3) Oatmeal

4) Sushi

5) Peanut Butter

6) Beans

7) Fat-free plain yogurt

8) Lemon

9) Energy Bars (make sure to read the ingredient list and calorie count! Clif is great)

10) Carrots

11) Soy Chips (great replacement for potato chips!)

12) Part-skim string cheese

13) Hummus

14) Edamame

15) Dried Fruit (WATCH PORTION SIZE! And watch out for added sugar)

16) Shrimp

17) At-home Thin Crust Pizza (add tons of veggies to sneak in an extra serving!)

18) Tofu

19) Salsa

20) Poached Chicken

21) Sweet Potatoes (especially the purple kind! Read more about them in my old post HERE)

22) Baked Apples (or raw apples dipped in peanut butter... mmmm!)

23) Fat-free Cool Whip*
*THIS IS A NO-NO! The article may say that this treat is low calorie, but it's also made ENTIRELY from hydrogenated oils... aka trans-fat aka created in a lab aka your body doesn't know what to do with it so it just stores it in your mid section! Stick with regular old light whipped cream (read labels! Watch out for high fructose corn syrup!) and smother some blueberries in it. Great treat and still low calorie!

24) Frozen fruit (watch for added sweeteners!)

25) Fudgesicles (create your own with some vegan chocolate pudding placed in the freezer with a toothpick in the middle!)

26) Fat-free sugar-free pudding (avoid artificial sweeteners and, yet again, READ LABELS!)

27) Angel food cake

28) Fat-free hot cocoa

29) Virgin mimosas

30) Herbal tea (and green tea!)

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