Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Here's an article about recent studies showing that ginger has pain reducing properties.

In the study, participants were given exercises to purposely injure their elbows. They were then given either a placebo, raw ginger soup, or cooked ginger soup for their pain. The participants that ate the raw ginger soup had 25% less pain than the placebo group, the cooked ginger soup group had 23% less pain. Yet another amazing property of ginger!!

In case you forgot, ginger root can also:
*Aid digestion (by speeding motility and reducing inflammation)
*Prevent ulcers
*Treat heartburn
*Possibly reduce cholesterol levels (so far in rats, waiting on human trials)
*Help prevent certain cancers (like ovarian and colon)
*Speed cold and flu recovery
*Provide relief from menstrual cramps
*Reduce systemic inflammation
*Aid systemic circulation
*Increase metabolism and aid in weight loss

and much much more!!!

So go ahead and grate some ginger into your salad dressing or steep some chopped up ginger in you tea. The benefits of ginger, not to mention the flavor, are just too good to pass up!